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Grass Master - Harrow and Seeder

Normally sowings are split 50:50 between autumn and spring. But poor weather last spring, and an early maize harvest have tipped the balance to more autumn sowings this year. A one-man business, Ralph Sainsbury has taken this in his stride. His machinery set-up delivers speed accuracy, and this together with his knowledge of seeds, ensures success.

This year Ralph will have sown over 1500 acres, a combination of reseeding into cultivated soils, overseeding into worn leys, and establishing catch crops and cover crops into stubble.

Ralph makes the point that "The Grass Master is also very good for overseeding catch crops into cereal stubbles.  Its a cheap way to establish stubble turnips and forage rape; it doesn't matter if the surface is uneven as it's not going to be mown.  The seed of stubble turnip is very small, so I just switch to using the fine roller in the seeder."


 Click here for the full article

Article first published in October 2018.



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